Thursday, February 3, 2011

Traveling to Brazil

So we left Tuesday at 8am on a flight to San Fransico that was great Cooper slept the whole flight and Lainey and Andrew played really well I actually read some magazines. Then once we landed I realized that we had to re check in and that took so long that we went straight from there to board the plane no time to eat and just relax but it turned out okay I got to request a row that had lots of spots so we had 5 for us all and that was wonderful. All the kids slept at some point and I got to again have some time to watch tv. We all had little tv's on the seat in front of you and that was really nice we all watched that for a while over all another successful trip. But then at 9pm we had to get off that planes in Lima, Peru and stay off it for about an hour before we re loaded the same plane and then it was a full flight so the 4 of us had 3 seats that was a tough flight. Andrew layed on the floor and slept (he probably got the best spot) Lainey and Cooper had there own seats and are small enough to fit pretty well and comfortable on there own, for me on the other hand I couldn't sleep at all it was not comfortable but with all the kids asleep I was able to watch several movies and they had quite a few to choose from so that was nice. It was about 9am brazil time so 3am our time and that was horrible for Cooper especially he cried from the time we walkked off the plane to when we saw Robert it was so embarresing but I couldn't hold him I was pushing the stroller with Lainey and Cooper in it and I didn't have enough hands so it was hard. We had to wait for our luggage and it was so hot and crowded and we had seven bags and just andrew and I to figure that out. Robert couldn't get to us cause we hadn't gone through customs yet. It was horrible so there I was standing in Sao Paulo with 3 kids one screaming his head off and seven bags that I could move anywhere. Just as I was about to quit right there ( I'm not sure what I was quiting) these two nice couples that were traveling from San Fransciso helped me through customs and to Robert. I hugged all of them and thanked them for helping me out. So finally we are now with Robert but not much relief in knowing we still had about 6 more hours in travel just now I had help and he speaks the language so I guess that was a huge relief just not in the sleep area I was so tired. Now we had to get to Sao Paulo's other airport luckily we were able to fit in a cab and it was worth the extra money to take a cab instead of the bus but we had to wait for about 45 mins for a cab big enough to fit all of us and our luggage. Once we got in the cab my eyes betrayed the rest of my body and I was out and got about 20mins of sleep which helped. When we got to the airport it was smooth and the flight was good and quick. So about 3pm Brazil time 9am our time we were at our new temporary home which is nice I'll talk more about that later. I would like to say we went to bed but no we unpacked and got organized and then went to Roberts evening practice and met everyone and it was a lot of fun they are all sweet but hardly anyone speaks english. there are a few and one her name is Vanessa and she was born and raised in the US but her parents were from Brazil and so she speaks fluent English and Porteguese is has been a huge blessing =). I was so tired at this point I was ready to get home and in bed. As soon as we got home I laied with lainey for two seconds and was out. I didn;t wake up until 12pm the next day or today I guess. I will try and post some pics shortly =) I miss you all so much all ready!!!

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