Friday, September 12, 2014


So I know its been over a year since I have posted anything but I'm backkkk.  The big news and really the reason I decided to start this back up is that for the first time in the last 4 years we have moved to another city in Brazil.  We now live in Bauru, Brazil its another small town (which I love).
Ok day 1 in Bauru was really overwhelming for me, Robert had just moved into the house we will live in for the next 2 years and we had just traveled for 24 hours getting there.  We got in Thursday the 28th and that happened to be a game day so its about 4pm and we have to leave in an hour for the game so we shower and go.  Once we get there I meet all the new wives and it just hit me....I know no one here at all.  It felt so lonely in that moment, it probably didn't help that I was so exhausted and it all just felt like too much.  The next day was my birthday and things didn't get too much better, Robert had practice and we slept until about 12pm.  We had no internet or phone and the 3g is horrible so I couldn't really talk with anyone!  We tried to go to dinner but we didn't know any good restaurants, thankfully Roberts friend and teammate took us to a place called Saint Patricks and we had a nice dinner.  The kids fell asleep before cake so we saved that for the next day...So over all day 2 ok.  The poor me attitude is starting to go away.  Robert got hurt around this time and is out for 20 days.  Nothing too serious but still kind of sucks.  The team came in second in league play for this first state league and now its play offs.
 I feel like over the last two weeks we have started to find our niche here and really great people and even a few good places to eat.  Its very different from Uberlandia and in some ways better and in some ways not as good.
I'm typing this on day 12 and this is the first day with internet!!!!  Best day yet, its one thing when you personally choose to have a electronic free day or week but this was a forced black out.  But not even a total black out we would get pockets of internet at other peoples home and pockets of 3g where we could see the pictures or the rest of the world but couldn't touch it.  It was super hard for me but to be honest Lainey and Cooper took it like champs they have become the best of friends and do everything together.  Their relationship has been the biggest blessing to date, they have really become true friends and companions and I truly thank God for this.
We are struggling with school we are having some contact issues on who is paying for what so this week I have been teaching the kids.  Thankfully I brought some materials for the kids to work through and the teach your kids to read book.  Lainey is so super ready for school she is taking it all in like a sponge.  Cooper on the other hand is a little more challenging he isn't wanting much of it but we are working together and its amazing in 1 week the progress they are making.
Well here are some pics and some captions of our life here.  Miss everyone like crazy!
 Lainey at the first game
 Cooper at the first game
 I mustache you "Are these the cutest kids ever?" 
 The reason we are here...Go Robert
 Lainey got this one of her daddy
 Relaxing at the mall
 Dance show by Lainey at our home

 Happy Birthday Mommy
 Robert and some of the guys working around our house/pool
 Family love in Coop's room with our friends dog Julie
 A little shopping with my girl
 Going for a walk around the neighborhood 
 Cooper and Nat
 Just like old times.  Totally knocked out at dinner
 Cooper going on the water ball 

 Robert and Cooper in our pool
 Go Dragons!
 Lainey holding 1 of 4 babies this is  Gabriel
Robert with Rafaela, Murillo (aka. the dad) with Leo, Ricardo with Maya, and Jefferson with Gabriel.

 Cooper and Gabriel, Lainey and Maya, and Duda ( the big sister) with Leo and Rafa
 We went to see the new ninja turtles and we loved it. 
 Lainey's favorite part is the elevator with "MC" MIckey


  1. I'm so glad you are settling in! I love the photos and being able to read all about what you all are up to you! ❤️
